
My Day with PnF: Part 5

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BTPrincessGirl's avatar

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My Day with Phineas and Ferb

I stared at the invention for one more minute before I looked to Phineas.

"So…any guarantee that this will work—?"

"I try not to guarantee; there's always the possibility that something might go wrong."

I tensed a little at this response.

But then he turned and smiled. "Don't worry though; I'm sure it'll work."

"It has to; otherwise you two will be SERIOUSLY BUSTED at home…"

Phineas still smiled. "We have to believe it'll work."

I should've expected that response; I'm surprised that I didn't.

He then looked to Ferb. "Let's power it up."

Ferb nodded once and they started up to machine.

Alright; if this would do the same thing it did when they came yesterday, I was to expect a green portal appearing in front of the machine, and for it to show the dimension of Phineas and Ferb.

The light bulbs all conducted the electricity and the antenna on top started whirling as it looked for a Wi-Fi signal. The projector for the machine hummed low as it started up.

I silently crossed my fingers as the projector glowed a subtle green………But, I did think to myself for a moment 'don't be like Doofenshmirtz, don't self-destruct, function properly…'

But my doubt was unnecessary; the portal appeared, showing the lush green lawn, yellow house, blue slightly-clouded skies and classic tree of the boy's backyard.

I couldn't help give a yell of delight and relief as Phineas did.

He gave his brother a high-five while saying "It worked! We're goin' home!"

A small thorn poked in my heart at this. I knew it was the right thing for them to go home…but a part of me wished they would stay.

I looked down, starting to feel the grief of letting the boys go.

Ferb seemed to notice this action, as he then seemed to frown and put a hand to Phineas' shoulder. The latter looked to Ferb again, but then to me.

I think he saw how I felt, because both boys then frowned.

Phineas then gently took my hand; I looked up at him, slightly surprised by the action.

He smiled sadly. "This was one of the best days ever. I don't think we would've been able to get home if you hadn't helped us out."

Ferb nodded his agreement as I smiled and knelt on the grass as Phineas held my hand.

"It was a blast for me too; I got to meet two of the greatest and smartest kids in the world—and help them build an invention of their creation."

Phineas then looked sadly to the ground.

"It almost isn't fair…"

"How come?"

He looked up at me. "You know so much about us, but we know only a little about you; what kind of friend doesn't know that much about the other person?"

I smiled. "…You…see me as your friend…?"

"Of course—I just wish we had longer to find out about you……I wish we could stay longer…"

He looked down at the ground again, no longer smiling; even Ferb frowned a little.

I looked between them before I tilted both heads up to look at me. "Don't think of it like that—think of it as an adventure you have yet to finish."

They smiled sadly, but then Phineas looked to me.

"But you never told us—does everything work out for us? I mean you said you've seen everything we've done and more. You've seen what we're like when we're older. How do we turn out?"

I smiled sadly this time. "I can't tell you things like that, Phin—you know that."

He smiled a little broader. "I thought only Ferb and Candace knew about my nickname…"

I shrugged. "Like I said; I'm a fan-girl."

But then we heard the portal hum again.

Who else would appear from the portal except Candace Flynn and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro?

Isabella smiled broadly when she saw Phineas. "Hey Phineas! What'cha doooin'?"

I chuckled lightly and titled my head upward. "Now I've lived out everything…"

Candace looked between both boys furiously. "You guys are SO busted when we get home! Do you know what time it is—!?"

I smiled to her. "But Candace, it's not past eight yet—it's just about seven fifty."

"And that's cutting it too close!"

She pointed to the boys. "You two! Home! Now!"

Phineas laughed before looking to her. "Okay Candace okay—we're just finishing up here. We'll be through in just a minute."

Candace looked to him furiously before saying a reluctant "Fine."

She went back through; Isabella smiled to Phineas and Ferb.

"I'm glad you two are okay; I'll see you in a bit."

Phineas nodded. "Sure."

After she went through, both boys looked back to me.

Phineas then lit up. "Hey! Maybe you could spend the day with us tomorrow! That would be so cool!"

I put a gentle hand to his shoulder. "You don't know how much I want to……But I'm not supposed to. I told you how things got messed up here because of dimension merge—think of how bad it might get with your dimension if I came over there."

They looked to each other before looking down sadly again.

I smiled before taking something from my bag. "Here. Take this with you."

I handed my sketchbook out to Phineas—the same one he had used.

He looked to it before looking back up at me. "But it's yours. I was just borrowing it."

I motioned it forward. "This way you can remember me. I have a few sketches in there that I drew. Besides—then you can fill it up with sketches of whatever you guys do during the rest of summer."

They both smiled before Phineas gently took the sketchbook.

Then the two of them surprised me by giving me a sudden hug. I was shocked for a second before I hugged the two of them back.

When they let go, I looked after them as they slowly stepped through the portal.

I went over to the switch to shut the machine off; I looked back to the portal to see Phineas holding both Perry and the sketchbook, and both boys were looking back at me from the tree. I could see a smile on both faces, but their eyes were sad…just like mine.

I never thought two of my best friends would be from a television show.

But then I looked at Perry. "Oh; there you are Perry."

The platypus chattered its usual "Grrr" in response.

I looked up at the boys. "And Ferb says…?"

The latter smiled as he pointed to Perry. "They're the only mammals that lay eggs."

I laughed lightly. "Yes…Yes they are."

I pulled the switch down as both boys waved to me.

Sure enough, after I had, the expected happened. Fuses blew, the metal twisted and morphed before vanishing completely in a green light.

Everything was left as it normally was.

I just felt like going straight to bed that night—I don't think I even ate beforehand. Yeah I still felt a little depressed from the farewell. I didn't think it'd be that hard………I think too much.

Anyway, I got up the next morning in a bit of a daze. The first thing I did was check the TV.

Phineas and Ferb were back on-air; for a moment I smiled.

I checked all the episodes on that day [there was about a dozen or so] and saw they were all re-runs. Oddly enough, they were all the episodes I'd listed off to Phineas that he'd questioned me on.

Even so, I watched them all, regardless of them being re-runs. I watched them all with a new scope of how amazing each feat actually was.

I found myself watching it whenever it came on to see the boys in action [much to my mother and sisters' annoyance]. I recorded it if I wasn't able to watch it. For the next few days it was like this.

About two weeks after my Day with Phineas and Ferb, I finally started to ease away from it and go back to my daily routine.

So like every Saturday, I got up, got my robe on, and went out to the family room from the hall. I looked to the living room to see the sun shining through the blinds on the window.

I started to the kitchen—but had to stop and do a double-take.

I stepped back and looked back to the living room; I saw one of my sketchbooks lying on the couch. I shook my head, thinking I left it out again.

I picked it up, and saw part of a piece of paper sticking out from it.

Confused at this, I opened the sketchbook to the page where the piece of paper was sticking out.

………After reading the piece of paper and seeing the sketch on the page, I had to smile—I even cried a little.

The sketch was of a red-headed boy and a green-haired one. The red-head was giving a thumbs-up to me while winking, the green-haired boy doing the same. It was colored in as a ten-year-old would color it [or at least how those two would] so it looked incredibly realistic.

I gazed at the sketch before re-reading the small note I recognized to be from the red-headed ten-year-old.

'We finally got that Dimensional Transporter working! We can only do small objects though. We wanted to send this back to you—so that you can remember us. And remember that summer's what you make of it.

Do everything and anything! Summer belongs to you!

Those boys never cease to amaze me.

I closed the sketchbook and hugged it close for a moment before going to get dressed. I spent the whole summer with my family—but I also had goals to accomplish.

By the last week, I found myself going through my list of goals for the summer to see how far I'd gotten.

Let me go over it again…

Build a model rocket—Check.

Fight a mummy [in a video game]—Check.

Took a trip to France [climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower]—Check.

Went to the zoo [watched a monkey take a shower]—Check.

Learned to surf [surfed a HUGE one]—Check.

Built a mini-model robot [looked like a nanobot]—Check.

Played a "find-it" game [first piece I found was Frankenstein's brain]—Check.

Found out interesting facts on Dodo birds—Check.

Painted the house—Check.

Drove my sisters insane—Check.

Hm……I guess I did everything, right…?

No—wait——'Discovering something that doesn't exist'………that's gonna be a little tougher.

……What—? 'Meeting two characters that don't exist'?

That wouldn't count silly.

Phineas and Ferb DO exist.

Didn't you know that—?

~*~*THE END*~*~
:happycry: Oh I loved how the ending came out.

I loved the whole thing with Doof. 'Don't be like Doofenshmirtz, don't self-destruct' :rofl:

And then with the Dimensional Transporter at the end and how the boys left and getting my sketchbook back--

:squee: GOSH I luved writing this so much!!

(BTW--when I call Phineas "Phin"--yeah its another reference to KicsterAsh :D )

Phineas and Ferb (c) Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh
My Day with PnF (c) BTPrincessGirl

~Part 4~ <[link]>

Wanna start over? ~Part 1~ <[link]>
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TitanOfElements's avatar
Great story. Is there a sequel coming out?